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XJTU–UoL Joint Workshop on Clean Energy

来源:       时间:2021-06-23      点击量:
报告时间 6月24日下午3:30 报告地点 创新港19-2192会议室

XJTU–UoL Joint Workshop on Clean Energy

8:30 – 12:15 (UK time) and 15:30 – 19:15 (China time) 24thJune 2021

Zoom Meeting



Scientific Programme

UK time8:30 – 8:35

China time15:30-15:35

Opening and Welcome (Prof. Xin Tu, UoL)

Session 1

Chair: Prof. Xin Tu (UoL)

UK time8:35 – 8:50

China time15:35-15:50

Molecular catalysis for sustainable organic synthesis and energy conversion

ByProf.Jianliang Xiao(Chemistry, UoL)

UK time8:50 – 9:05

China time15:50–16:05

One-pot two-step hydrogen production from non-food biomass

ByProf. Yang Li(Chemistry, XJTU)

UK time9:05 – 9:20

China time16:05–16:20

Materials Science in Extreme Conditions

ByDr. Maulik Patel(Engineering, UoL)

UK time9:20–9:35

China time16:20–16:35

Solar hydrogen production: Utilization of both light and heat

ByProf. Maochang Liu(Energy, XJTU)

UK time9:35 – 9:50

China time16:35–16:50

Electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction: from mechanistic study to devices

ByProf. Alexander Cowan(Chemistry, UoL)

UK time9:50 – 10:05

China time16:50–17:05

Developing of the high energy density lithium batteries via in situ electrochemical technologies

ByProf. Wei Tang(Chemical Engineering, XJTU)

UK time10:05-10:15

China time17:05-17:15


Session 2

Chair:Prof.YunsongYu (XJTU)

UK time10:15 – 10:30

China time17:15 – 17:30

Plasma catalysis: An emerging technology for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals

ByProf. Xin Tu(EEE, UoL)

UK time10:30 – 10:45

China time17:30 – 17:45

Direct Hydrogenation of CO2to DME on GaN catalysts

ByA.Prof. Zhengqing Huang(Chemical Engineering, XJTU)

UK time10:45 – 11:00

China time17:45 – 18:00

Making polymers from elemental sulfur

Dr.Tom Hasell(Physics, UoL)

UK time11:00 – 11:15

China time18:00 – 18:15

Thermochemical conversion of biomass for the production of liquid biofuel

ByProf. Peigao Duan(Chemical Engineering, XJTU)

UK time11:15 – 11:30

China time18:15 – 18:30

Enabling understanding of structure, dynamics and diffusion in solid materials from NMR

ByDr. Frederic Blanc(Chemistry, UoL)

UK time11:30 – 11:45

China time18:30 – 18:45

Biomimetic Catalysis Study of Lactate Racemase

ByProf. Renyi Shi(Chemical Engineering, XJTU)

UK time11:45 – 12:15

China time18:45 – 19:15

Discussions for collaboration & closing remark (Prof. Xin Tu, UoL)


地址:中国西部科技创新港19号楼  邮编:710049


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